No, not the Muse song, I refuse to comment on that, but Sagittarius A* a humungous black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Physicists have known about it for some time, but there are recent developments. If you are not aware, it is over 4 million times the size of the Sun and is responsible for some strange observed orbits (video here, notice the sneaky stereotyping of Germans).

One problem with the observed stars is that they appear to be relatively young. It seems logical that the stars that have been drawn by the strong gravitational force permeating from the centre would be ancient in age. However, they appear to be rather young. The new possible explanation is that many of the stars that form at the galactic centre become truly massive (drawing on the large amount of matter there) and therefore end their lives as a supernova. This is suggested by the fact that the light from the stars in the centre is so faint that they are likely highly dense neutron stars or normal size black holes.

The normal stars that should form alongside these massive stars may have been devoured by these stellar-sized black holes or Sagittarius A*. There are various flaws with the theory and many other explanations. For a better explained more thorough analysis check out the New Scientist article here. The video at the top explains some uses for our knowledge of Sagittarius A*. Science!